Friday, December 7, 2007

Great Find

My old breadmaker is dying a slow death. I do have to say it has held up well . It's about 8 years old. It is just getting progressively louder. The motor is working harder, the beater thingie (yes, that's the techical term. LOL) is squeaky, the nonstick is starting to come off in place. All in all it has served me well, but I knew I would have to start looking for a new one soon. :)

I had been looking at this machine, but it was a little out of my price range right now and I would have had to save up for it. I was at the Goodwill store the other day and stumbled across this for $15. It is wonderful. I LOVE it. It's quiet, compared to my old machine. It has a setting for 3 different size loaves. It makes jam!!! What a great find. I am so thrilled. I plan on making tons of bread with it. Ok, maybe not tons, but you know what I mean. :) I will definately be posting pictures and recipes as I make them. This is so gonna rock. :)

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